Dissolve the Senate!

August 31, 2019

BoJo = Genius. We don’t need no stinking Parliaments.

Minor miscalculation. The UK, it turns out, is not entirely an island. This complicates casting off lines and steaming away from the continent as planned. There is a land border with another EU member country. Who knew?

The solution is simple. Dig a moat between Northern Ireland and Ireland to make the geography more the way its was imagined by Nigel, Boris and company. Deep thinkers all.


M.I.C.H – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

Radioactive Rain

August 31, 2019

Dementia? Perish the thought.

We could buy all of Greenland for the rare earth minerals. This would save us having to buy just the rare earth minerals themselves, which would be embarrassing because the owners have been our friends and allies for centuries.

We could nuke Hurricane Dorian. A radioactive storm surge is just what Mar-A-Lago needs.

Suggestion: We could also nuke Greenland to speed up melting and thereby accelerate access to the rare earth minerals.


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

Rosalind Franklin Mars Rover

August 27, 2019

As press releases for the new Euro Mars rover come out, we see the question “Who was Rosalind Franklin?”

The answer is short and easy:

She was the woman who took pictures of the structure of DNA so that Watson and Crick could discover it.


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

Step 3 – Never Presume To Know The Mind Of God

Sunday August 25, 2019

You would think that this one simple act of humility would be the thing all religions could agree on. But the opposite is true. Each creed stakes itself out as the one which knows the mind of God.

May we point out that if a God exists – and that is a big if – it is clearly not trying to communicate with us. Therefore, we would not expect to know its mind. In an earlier post we gave a reason why that might be.

Since Chipotle or Burger King can easily reach us anytime and anywhere they please about a new menu offering, we must assume that an all powerful creator is not trying to reach us. If it were, we would expect to see and hear the message, outside, in the street, through our eyes and ears – since by all-powerful we do not mean stronger than dirt, we mean able to blow out all the stars in all the galaxies in the universe like so many candles on a cake. This presumes such an entity could at least engage Ogilvy, Google, WPP or Omnicom to get us a message.

And no, Dora, God is not talking to you. That little voice in your head is just the way it sounds when you are thinking, but not out loud. We all carry on an internal conversation.

And no, Rodney, such an entity is not communicating with us via ancient texts. That would be beyond pathetic and way not all-powerful. See last Sunday’s post.

So the silence is filled by sacerdotal arrogance and manipulation:

Parishioner: What does God want me to do?

Priest: I’ll go in the back room and ask. Wait here.

Parishioner: What did he say? (always a he)

Priest: He said you should do exactly as I say.


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

On The Passing Of An Oligarch

August 23, 2019

It would be good if people stopped referring to people as having “a net worth of $….”

A person’s maximum net worth is 1.0 – one human soul. As wealth increases, it becomes harder and harder to exceed 0.5.


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

Step 2 – Beware of Those Bearing Ancient Texts

Sunday August 18, 2019

Step 2 in our quest for a religion which doesn’t require us to pretend anything has to do with jettisoning ancient texts. What follows goes for any of them but focuses on the central text of Christianity, because that is the writer’s religious tradition.

If ever confronted with the common evangelical question Do you accept the Wholly Buy-Bull as the Authoritative and Inerrant Word of Gawd?, it is very important to answer No, of course not. Why would I?

Here’s why you wouldn’t.

First. Jesus didn’t have a Bible and Christianity got along just fine without one. Take those paintings of Jesus holding the Holy Bible in the crook of his arm and file them along with other anachronisms, such as presidential statements about founding fathers securing airports during the American Revolution. Centuries separated the life of Jesus of Nazareth and anything bound on the left remotely like a Holy Bible.

The things generally required for a member of the Christian faith to believe are listed in two similar and compact creeds, known as the Apostles’ and Nicene. Neither contains anything like “I believe in the Holy Bible, the authoritative and inerrant word of God.”

Second. The Bible doesn’t ask us to accept it as Authoritative, Inerrant, or the Word of God. Those claims are made for it, not by it. Although he’s the most often quoted source for the holiness of the Bible (having written as a sideline that all scripture is inspired by God), what would Paul say at a modern church service upon hearing the Reading of the Epistle? He’d probably jump up and shout “Hey, that’s not the Word of God, that’s just taken from one of my letters!” One man’s correspondence is another man’s scripture.

Bible is a word meaning book. The Bible is a type of book called an anthology, or collection of books. There are two versions in common circulation and they don’t contain the same number of books. So much for authoritative. Authorship of the individual books is not generally a mystery. The names of the authors are on many. None claims to be the Book of God. Some of the more important books, the Gospels, differ on central issues – such as what day Jesus was crucified. There goes inerrant.

Belief in the holiness of ancient texts is simply idolatry in literary garb and needs to be called out as such. Invisible gods are a hard sell, ask any missionary, so tangible talismans come in handy. The Bible and the Cross are the two most powerful talismans in Christianity. If you find yourself falling off a cliff and can only grab one, grab the Cross. In it may be your salvation (more on this in a future post). The other is just a book.


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

Step 1.1 Thy will be done on Earth…by chance

August 17, 2019

From the scientists:

It is clear that chance is operative in the World as an ordinary state of affairs.

For the religionists:

Even the Lord’s Prayer directly implies that God’s Will is not operative in the World as an ordinary state of affairs.

Otherwise, why would anyone have to pray for that to be the case?

So Science and Religion, at least Christianity, should agree about the centrality of chance. They should also agree about the absence of God’s Will as a natural force in the Universe.

Nothing happens for a reason – unless we make it happen for a reason. Therefore, never justify personal action as being what God “wants”. Nobody knows what that might be, if anything.

Haiku to the New Haiku


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

Of Briefcases and Walls

August 16, 2019

How is it that a briefcase can be heavier on both sides at the same time?

We place the briefcase against the wall. It falls away.

We turn it around. It falls away.

How can a briefcase be heavier on both sides at once? Is there a repelling force? Science gives no clear explanation for this common phenomenon.


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

A Book That Writes Itself

Sunday August 11, 2019

In answer to last Sunday’s question:

If you were all powerful, what the devil would you need?

The author of all things, what in Heaven would you read?

Humans feel powerless and out of control, but are power mad and controlling. They create deities in their own image. So they imagine that an all-powerful being would spend all its effort controlling everything, all the time. Because that’s what they would do if they could.

The opposite makes more sense. An all-powerful being would more likely create, and delight in, something which generated unforeseen outcomes. (How eternally boring if thought always came into being! No surprises.) So it might make a book that writes itself and stay out of the way as the characters write the story. Spoiler alert! Since it would exist outside of time, if it wanted to know how things turned out it could skip ahead. For the characters in the book, chance might be fundamental and dominate their universe – just as seems to be the case in ours.


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

A State of Wedding Exists

August 10, 2019

Humankind has approximately fifty percent fewer problems than Mankind.

If we look honestly at what we would want changed in the world, most of it stems from the behavior of homo-so-called-sapiens and, looking even more honestly, to the behavior of the male of the species.

The male of the species is on average larger and more aggressive than the female of the species. This was a tremendous advantage in the days of rocks and sticks. Less so in the age of killer drones and nukes deliverable by Amazon. But it’s behind the power imbalance between the male and female. The latter appears from recent research to perhaps be the smarter of the two, but has less power. The male, better at lifting heavy objects and winning domestic disputes, hogs what it can. Its favorite group activity is called war and it spends its time planning the next one.

While rare counter examples can be found, the female of the species appears more interested in making the world a better place in which to live. To this end, it prefers planning weddings to planning wars. Therefore, in a rational country, presence of a dick and balls would be immediately disqualifying for the holding of high public office.

News headlines might then read “A State of Wedding Has Been Declared Between the United States and the Peoples Democratic Republic of You Name It.”

It is probable that many of the marriages, hastily arranged, would not work out. But the party planning, the music, the dancing, the free food and drink would be fabulous. And the product – babies – are widely seen as preferable to corpses. Even though the male of the species likes to confuse the two, sex and violence are not the same thing, or even in the same category of thing. The former is pro-life, the latter is anti-life. Further, even though a bad marriage may be bad, it beats choking on mustard gas while flagging down machine gun bullets far from home. Does it not, guys?


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity