Madness In Iowa

February 10, 2020

Before trains, cars and airplanes, a trip to Washington was a long slog on horseback. So selecting delegates to vote for you – whether for the nominating convention or for the general election, via the Electoral College – was a big deal.

In 2020, why on Earth would a party as large as the Democrats not simply use ranked voting in the largest states, on paper ballots, to select its candidate?

The results of a ranked vote (first choice, second choice, etc) in the half dozen most populous states would clearly identify the most viable candidate.

Those half dozen states contain about 256 million people, or roughly77% of the nation’s population. I consider this a significant cross-section.

Given the Democrats’ advantage in registered voters nationwide, a candidate selected that way ought to win almost every time against the out-numbered GOP. Barring cheating in the count, of course.


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

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