Delete? Sure? Really Sure?

October 9, 2019

October 31st is rolling around as we all knew it would. And the EU still hasn’t capitulated. A rare Saturday seating has been called for Parliament.

Deal. No deal. Soft Brexit. Hard Brexit. Who cares? What should be the topic of discussion is a second referendum, now that more facts are on the table and the British people have some idea of what they may be getting themselves into.

After all, when you try to click on “rename” but hit “delete” by mistake, your computer will ask you “Sure?”, then “Really sure?” before it actually carries out the command. The position that the first referendum, supposedly non-binding and by no means a landslide, amounts to a mandate, and that not implementing a self-inflicted wound amounts to a betrayal of the public will, or even treason, makes no sense. A second referendum, if it supported a no-deal Brexit, would be a mandate and then politicians could act accordingly, no matter what the economic and social consequences. The UK should seek a one year extension with the provision that a second referendum be held to confirm the first. If it doesn’t, best two out of three.


M.I.C.H – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

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