The Third Dimension

January 13, 2021

They say that in the “Second Dimension” (the world of screens – the net, iphones, anime – where so many now spend so much of their lives), appearances are all that matter.

Something I noticed among the rioters in the Capitol – and which, strangely, gives me some hope that they may one day break out of their online dream state – is the way many were pawing at the edifice and looking around in wonder, odd looks on their faces. As if both displaced and awakened.

My guess is that it was because the place turned out to be in three dimensions – real.

The transition from the Second to the Third Dimension must have been jarring.


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

Release The Grades

January 7, 2021

Given the events of yesterday, I once again call on the University of Pennsylvania to release the transcript of one Donald John Trump, World’s biggest and worst loser and pathological liar.

You can afford the $100 fine the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas might impose on you for such a breach of data confidentiality. But not to worry; I’ll pay it for you – in the interest of the survival of western civilization. Are you really that scared of damaging your ties with this nut? Lies are Lies. Reason is Reason. Where is your honor? What would Ben Franklin think of you? When Quakers quake, Tigers rule. ” I, how you say, unplug my nose in your general direction.”


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

Thirteen Stars

January 4, 2021

Georgia has again shown why it is one of thirteen stars on the original flag…

And that it is possible to put country before party…

Reason before madness.

I salute them.


M.I.C.H. – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity