So What Is It?

February 1, 2020

It’s been clear for some time that the central powers at the RNC have something on every last Republican in both the House and the Senate. Yesterday’s vote not to allow additional witnessess – in the face of an important one jumping up and down and screaming he’d like to testify – seals it. The look on Moscow Mitch’s face (“Damn, it worked again!” ) – seals it. The question is: What is it?

Is it money? A promise of a windfall from oligarchs at the end of their respective terms in office? So long as they go along with the program. Maybe. But some of these people, like Mitt Romney, are already rich as Croesus.

Is it the promise of little boys or girls, such as Jeff Epstein might have made? Or the promise to reveal that the promise has already been kept? Dennis Hastert might have been in a better position to say.

Is it the judges and Roe v. Wade thing? Arguably. We’ve seen many a conservative sell his or her soul for that. But all of them, and to avoid Mike Pence, who would only be more that way?

My guess is that it’s the voting machines. Probably each and every Republican member of Congress has been informed – and kept silent about – the probability that they were elected by cheating and therefore hold their offices illegitimately.


M.I.C.H – Modernity, Intelligence, Complexity, Humanity

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